I really need to update this more. I don't get how I'm so busy! Matt is gone and Bruce is out of school for the summer and I'm busier than ever! The boys go to bed between 7 and 7:30 during the school year, but lately since it's summer they have been going to bed around 9:00 during the week! I don't have that much time now to do things on the computer and such, but I'll start finding the time.
I really needs to put pictures up, so I may do that in the next few days! I have a lot of pictures!
Wee are now 8 weeks done with the deployment! Almost 2 months down now. It is crazy how some days the time flys and on other days it creeps like a snail.
The boys are getting bigger by the day. Matthew already said that he barely recognized Levi.:(
They have both been doing more and more things lately, it's hard to keep up with them!
I will update this blog more and continue to update my other blog also.
God Bless!