31 January 2018

Things, they are a changing

Last January I was determined to make some changes, so right before Christmas 2016 Matt and I gave up soda. I drank so much water last January that I was almost sick of it, but I stuck it out and went over 8 months without any soda, and when I did have soda again on vacation, I got a headache from it and declared right then that that was it for soda. Matt also stuck it out, and he was more of a soda drinker than I was. He also got a headache from soda during vacation and we said, "bye Felicia" to the pop for good.

Now, the changes I started a year ago were not just about soda for me. I determined to read my Bible everyday. Now, that may not sound like something that would be a challenge, or even something that I should have just started last year, but things get in the way. Life, kids, grocery shopping, dumb excuses and sometimes reading your Bible gets put on the forget about it list and there have been times in the past where I have remembered to read the Bible at 9 or 10 at night (and I go to bed right between 9-10) and then said, "I'll just read it tomorrow."

I have the Bible app on my phone and have had it for years now, but I was utilizing the best way that I could. I would set reminders to read the Bible and I was just not doing it like I should. I started with small devotionals and I worked my way up from there. I felt so much better after just a few weeks of reading my Bible daily and learning more about the Bible on my own each day. I read devotionals and other peoples interpretations for 9 months before I decided to dive right in and read the Bible straight through in 90 days. Some days were hard, (especially the old testament parts that repeated itself) but I stuck with it and finished it all the way through. It has been 13 months of reading the Bible daily and I know that I actually crave it now. The Bible and water, my two daily cravings. It takes a few weeks to start a habit and now over a year later I have two very healthy and needed habits in my life. I would encourage others to start these habits also, as I know my life has changed and I can feel the difference that it has made this past year.

This January I decided to walk 100 miles a month, read the Bible daily and more deeply and eat a healthier diet. So far so good! Still reading the Bible, been eating a keto diet all month and as of yesterday I have walked over 181 miles.

God bless