01 December 2009

Thanksgiving/Christmas decorating pictures... (Image heavy)

Our table set up before we ate.
Matt watching the parade.

Antonia took a 5 minute breather from cooking to watch a minute of parade with the boys. Levi was napping so he would be ready to eat!The yummy homemade treats; brownies, fudge and pumpkin pie!
The boys waiting for Antonia to take a picture so we could eat!
The food. We didn't take a picture of the turkey, because we didn't do a full turkey, just a turkey breast. We had dressing, greenbean casserole, turkey breast, gravy, rolls and mashed potatoes(not pictured).
Levi enjoyed his food! When he was half-way done he did this!
He had to get every bite, the spoon didn't work for him so we let him use his hands!
Bruce gave mom a thumbs up on how the food tasted.
Matt took a nap after our turkey feast while the boys did too!
Bruce woke up from his nap grumpy.
So, Levi decided to tackle him down!
Then he went on to play with the bull dozer.
Levi wearing his Santa hat.
Bruce wearing a santa hat too! Mom and Bruce decorated the tree while Levi and dad watched.
More decorating...
Levi watching with reindeer antlers on!
There's mom decorating.
And dad watching football.
An upclose...
Our tree! And another close one!

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend!!! More pictures of the rest of the decorated house coming soon!

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