30 April 2010

Last day of April...

April has been a really good month. Easter, beach vacation, warm temperatures, etc...

     While dad is at work, mom and the boys have been trying to go to the park at least one or two times a week. Levi loves to try to climb up everything, he is our monkey! Bruce loves to show how big he is getting by climbing on the monkey bars (he can get half-way through before he gets tired)! All in all, they love to be outside! When the pollen isn't out, the outdoors here is quite beautiful. I love to take pictures, so we take as many as we can while we are out and about. Now that it is warm, on the weekends we try to plan outdoor activities as well. Last weekend Bruce and dad flew a kite! It was Bruce's first time and he loved it. Levi missed that adventure because he was napping, but we will do it again.

     Next week we will enroll Bruce into kindergarten! I can't beleive how fast he has grown. He is very excited about starting school and can't wait to go. I told him to remember that, because in a few years he may not be so excited about school! He can't wait to go school shopping, but dad and I can! Levi will defiently miss Bruce, but I think that he will enjoy playing and exploring without his big brother around once he gets used to it.

     Matt is busy doing his "Army stuff". He has "schools" and classes a lot. This is defiently nothing like recruiting, nothing is the same everyday! He jumped again a few days ago and then marched back to his work after spending a cold night outside! Meanwhile, when Matt gets up to do PT I have been getting up and starting to run/walk on the treadmill. I want to train my body to run at a steady pace since I have asthma. I was always prevented from running, but I love to do it and I am going to work hard to control it! I plan to run a 5K to start with and drag Matt with me!

     May should be a great month as well. We have our second anniversary coming up and next week is mothers day! This coming summer should be a good one as well! We look forward to visiting the beach as much as we can since we are only a 2 or 3 hour drive to the Ocean (depending on which beach we go to).
God bless everyone and have a great weekend!

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