09 March 2011

Wishy Washy Weather

It is March. In the past 9 days we have had shorts, jeans, t-shirts, jackets, coats, tank tops, boots, sandals and sweaters all mixed in. Now I don't mind the changing weather, but when it is 80 degrees one day and the next day is 45, that is drastic! I am ready for the boys and me to no longer have runny and dripping noses, which the changing weather is not helping with.

We have been in a drought here for a while as well. We had so many fires occur in the past few weeks that I thought we lived in CA for a moment. Acres and Acres have gone up in flames, house because of yard fires and even other sorts of buildings. We had a main road closed last week due to a fire even though we have been advised to do no burning. We did get rain a few evening ago and it made a huge difference in colors outside. When we got up the next morning I looked outside and the redbud tree had bloomed and the brown grass had turned to bright and beautiful green!

I talk about the weather a lot, sometimes I feel like I am a 70 year old who goes to bed early and always knows what the weather will be. I feel like my calling could be a meteoroligist sometimes! Today should be a cloudy 70, probably light winds if any at all and no rain until later!

God Bless and if you are reading this, thank you!

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