02 April 2014

Children are a blessing, even when they don't seem to be!

There are certain times in our children's lives that have specific names. Infant, toddler, terrible two's, pre-teen/tween, teenager, etc... They all mean something and most of us know what that is. When I hear infant I think of a new baby, one who eats and sleeps and needs a new diaper change very often! When I hear terrible two's I think to myself to just wait until the 3's hit (a little joke... maybe)! However, for me at least, there are other stages that no one tells us about. Then again, maybe it is just my oldest son who is going through this right now and he is the first and only, but I doubt that.

I remember that when I was a teenage girl I had an attitude for no reason sometime and I also remember getting irritated at just about everyone older than me. Big difference between Bruce and me is that he is a boy and he is only 9! Oh yeah, and he also only has an attitude with me. It is always hard as a parent at different times and for different reasons.

Just this morning I woke Bruce up and he slowly crawled out of bed and down his bunk stairs and then he finally made his way into the kitchen and sat down at the bar. I looked at him and asked him what he thought he was doing and his reply was, "I think you should just get me my breakfast". That sounds pretty tame I know, but it was his tone and the added knowledge that he wanted to start making his own lunch and breakfast a few months ago. I let him because he needs more responsibility. And by getting breakfast he means a bowl of cereal, it isn't like I am making him cook eggs and bacon! He will decide to get up and stomp around and grunt and make as much noise as possible before he eats.

That was just a little glimpse into what our morning today was like. Then I get to really enjoy his new found attitude when he gets home from school. He will tell me that writing his spelling words in alphabetical order is too hard and that studying for awana takes too long. He will tell me he got blue today for behavior (green is the better one) because the other kids were talking and the teacher decided to just get onto Bruce even though he was the innocent one who did nothing wrong. I will tell Bruce that he needs to help me put away his clothes and he will let me know that is too hard to do and then cry and whine like that will make me change my mind.

It could be worse and I know that the big picture is that he really is a good kid that minds everyone else and is so nice and polite (as everyone always tells me, which I appreciate it because I know that he is at least well behaved for others). Every age and stage is different for everyone else and I know that this too shall pass, but it doesn't mean that it is always easy!

A Bible verse that I try to remember everyday: John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

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