15 September 2011

Getting this out there...

Sometimes in life, you can be a happy person and be positive. But, that doesn't mean that negative stuff doesn't happen to you. What matters is how you react to the not so happy moments, and not let them get you down or change your sunny outlook!

I see myself as a happy, positive, caring and loving person. I try to make sure everyone is happy, and good and especially my kids and husband. I would do anything for them, and I love that my job is being a mom and wife! I wouldn't trade it for the world... I do have a problem dealing with issues though. Medical issues to be exact. My own... I always told myself, as I was growing up, that I wouldn't be like my mom. That is a loaded phrase, because there is more than one way that I don't want to be like her! But, for this topic I will stick with the fact that I don't want to be like her and have so many medical issues that I can barely function...

So far, in the past 2.5 years, I have had a scare of almost Cervical Cancer (which is cleared up and gone now, yay!), a cyst and I have been diagnosed (not officially because that requires surgery) with endometriosis. All female issues, and all scary things to deal with. The first problem, there was no pain, and no evidence of it at all, so there is much relief now that that is good (after surgery and multiple thing). The cyst cleared up on its own after I started birth control again. However, endometriosis is an uncurable disease. It is treatable, but there is no cure...

I now have pain from it more than ever, but at least it has taken a year after the intial diagnosis. With Matthew being deployed, this has been difficult to deal with. But, I am proof that staying positive isn't hard once you stop being negative about things!

God bless! I know he blesses us!

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