21 January 2011

Day 13: What are your plans for the future far and near?

Plans change all of the time no matter what your job is, but when you are married to a Soldier in the Army there is no room for set in plans because they could change one hundred times before the date gets here. We can't book a hotel room for a vacation until we know for sure it will happen, which is usually the last minute because they will say you won't get leave, you will, you won't, and then finally the day before the plans you find out! We can plan for the far future a little better, but we still don't have definite plans because all we know is that Matt wants to stay in for at least 20 years or until "they kick him out" and he is almost at 10 years, so at least 10 years or more. The kids will be anywhere between 14 to 20-ish around the time Matt will possibly retire, so we don't want to move right away and have them change schools right before graduation. We also have no idea how the economy will change in the next 10 years either, so the only plans we really have is to build a house or buy one to renovate. We want double ovens, a big garage, basement that is finished and a big "man cave" and bathroom. Future plans are really to just own a house, take a lot of vacations and travel, for us to both have jobs and to have more money saved up after retirement.

The near plans, like very near are pretty easy. In 6 days Bruce will be 6 and in 20 days Levi will be 2, so we know that we are having a birthday party for them! Tomorrow I am getting a root canal, which was planned so that counts! My birthday is March 4, a friday this year and we are planning to have a baby sitter and go out, which is already in the works. And Matt has JRTC and that is pretty set in stone. Other than that, after March we really don't know what is going to happen for certain! And the funny thing is, I am a planner! I tend to plan week to week though, because that is usually easier to keep track of!

Plus, no matter what we have planned, God already has a plan and we are just along for the ride (so to speak)!

God Bless!

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