13 January 2011

Day 5- Write about a period of time in your life where things were not so good.

*This one is very personal to me, but it is in the past and I am willing to share.*

I love life and I trully think that everything happens for a reason. I have had a few rough patches when I was younger, and I think that what has happened to me has made me the happy and loving person I am today. A period in my life that wasn't great was 8.5 years ago when I was 16.

A little background to start:
My mom has always seemed to resent me, at least since I was 6 and older it has felt and looked that way. I dealt with it, and I never knew my biological father, so I figured that that is how parents were. I heard her say things several times that led me to believe that she would have rather have had no children than me. She would say negative things about me to just about everyone (strangers included), ie: she is brat, she is mouthy, she got a bad grade, she is horrible to me, etc... I was about 7 when I frist started hearing that kind of stuff...

It was in the fall of my Junior year of HS, so towards the begining of the school year. I ate some candy that was my mothers that she had kept for about 6 months or so in the freezer. She asked me about it and I lied and said I didn't eat it, so she hit me with a fly swatter a few times and then punched me in the arm. That wasn't anything new to me and I shrugged it off. I have always been an easy bruiser, so I didn't even pay attention that I had one. I went to the councilors office at school and talked to her about school stuff like I did a lot, and then I took off my jacket. She saw the bruise and before asking me about it, called DFS on my mother.

The lady from DFS came to the school a few days later, and I was surprised to see her. I told her what happened and that it was no big deal, but she said that she had to talk to my mother. Well, she did talk to her, on her birthday of all days. When I got home from school that day my mother told me that the DFS lady came and talked to her and told her that I was an obvious liar.Then my mother told me that she decided to ship me away to a Christian children's home. I was devastated...

At the time I couldn't believe that the lady didn't believe me, but now I am sure that my mom was the one that lied and led her to think I wasn't being truthful... I ended up not getting sent away, but she really did try. A few months later though, she decided to take me to the family doctor and told him that I was depressed (I really wasn't though, even through negative times at home I was always a pretty happy kid). I told them I wasn't, but since I started crying he was convinced that I was bipolar and I was immediately put me on medication. The meds made me have nightmares and made me feel gloomy, but my mom tried to convince me that I felt that way before. And, although I didn't want to take them, she made sure that I took them everyday. I eventually stopped taking them, and then I felt better again. After those months I tried to avoid being home as often as I could and I was always at school or with friends during normal daylight hours. Even through all of those hard times my Junior year, I still managed to be on the AB honor roll. I didn't let this moment, or any other negative ones bring me down. Eventually, a year after all of that happened I moved out and I have never regretted it once.

Thank you for reading if you got through this, it feels good to get this off of my chest... God bless you all!

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