Well, my camera died and the battery is charging, so no picture... Plus, our bedroom is for us and I want to be selfish and not share it! ;) I will talk about it though! We just rearranged our bedroom a few weeks ago, so it has more open space than it did before. The bed is on the wall with the window and we have a dresser with a mirror on my side and a taller dresser on Matts side. We have too footstools that equal one "bench" in front of our bed at the foot. We have a treadmill along the wall where the door is, and we have a big collage picture frame on the side where our bed was... Pretty simple, but we like it!
Now on to my day, not too much. We stayed in today, and started to finally get reorganized since Christmas. With Matts leave and then the snow and Bruce missing a whole week due to the snow days, it was hard to get back into our normal routines! Yesterday and today we finally did it! The "man-cave" looked like the Army threw up all over it, with ACU's, bags, boots, PT's, socks and special underwear thrown everywhere in there! I managed to fold it all up and put them back on the shelves where they belong. The boys had books everywhere, and I reorganized those and made it neat and tidy again! Before all of that though, Levi and I watched his alotted amount of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and I enjoyed my coffee, and Levi decided he wanted some too... Well, he grabbed the pot (it is stainless steel) and he brought it to me, I said no and he sat back down. After that he waited a while and then got back up, he was in the kitchen for about half a minute when I told him to come back. He came back and he had his whole face, mouth, hair and hands full of coffee grinds! He dug in the trash and got the filter out since I said he couldn't have coffee, and he tried to eat the grinds!!! Needless to say, he got a bath and he defiently didn't get any coffee. :)
After all of that excitement, Levi took a nap and I clipped coupons and planned for the next two weeks meals. I also did more birthday party planning for the boys party that will be in 2 weeks! All in all, it was a fun day!
God Bless!
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